Articles récents

Les élections européennes en Belgique Un scrutin de troisième ordre

Par Nathalie Brack, Samuel Defacqz, Thomas Laloux et Virginie Van Ingelgom

First survive, then thrive: major urban centres and resistance against autocratisation

By Luca Tomini, Giulia Sandri, Adam Szymański

From Divergence to Convergence: Degrees of Formality in the Connections Between Two Flemish Progressive Political Parties and Organised Civil Society

By Nick Martin

Towards a Polarised Electorate? How Polarisation Affects Turnout Decisions in the Belgian Context of Compulsory Voting

By Bjarn Eck and Elie Michel


By Jean-Michel De Waele & Luiz Guilherme Burlamaqui

Are poor people poorly heard?

By Julie Sevenans, Awenig Marié, Christian Breunig, Stefaan Walgrave, Karolin Soontjens, Rens Vliegenthart

Local democratic resistance to autocratisation: evidence from Budapest, Banja Luka, and Zagreb

By Guido Panzano, Simone Benazzo & Venelin Bochev

To rule or not to rule? An experimental study of the electoral ramifications of claims to (not) rule with radical right populist parties

By Laura Jacobs & Jean-Benoit Pilet

Unity in adversity: has the grand coalition survived fragmentation and COVID-19 in the 9th European Parliament?

By Nathalie Brack, Awenig Marié et Olivier Costa

EU Regulatory Polity 3.0 for Compliance with the Rule of Law: When Depoliticising Goals Lead to Uneven Politicisation

By Ramona Coman and Leonardo Puleo

La socialisation de proximité des citoyens aux organisations internationales : Une comparaison Bruxelles-Genève-Montréal

Par François Foret en collaboration avec Stephan Davidshoger, Baowen Liang, et Frédéric Mérand

Politicians’ Theories of Voting Behavior

By Nathalie Brack and Jean-Benoit Pilet in collaboration with Jack Lucas, Lior Sheffer, and other colleagues

Far-right contentious politics in times of crisis: between adaptation and transformation

By Pietro Castelli Gattinara, Andrea L. P. Pirro and Caterina Froio

The Far Right Out of Its Comfort Zone? Framing Opposition to Immigration during COVID-19 in Italy

By Pietro Castelli Gattinara and Raffaele Bazurli  

EU Regulatory Polity 3.0 for Compliance with the Rule of Law: When Depoliticising Goals Lead to Uneven Politicisation

By Ramona Coman  and Leonardo Puleo

As you wish? Public preferences for models of representation and MPs’ role orientations

By Nathalie Brack in collaboration with Philippe Mongrain and Nino Junius

Between Decline and Distress Innovations: The Transformation of the Belgian French-Speaking Christian-democratic Party (cdH)

By Sacha Rangoni in collaboration with Thomas Legein

Opposition and resistance: how judges and professional associations in Poland, Hungary, and Romania defend their independence

By Ramona Coman with Leonardo Puleo

Resilient austerity? National economic discourses before the pandemic in the European Union

By Tiago Moreira Ramalho, Tom Massart and Amandine Crespy

Belgium: Political Developments and Data in 2023

By Audrey Vandeleene co-authored with Pierre Baudewyns, Lieven De Winter, and Serge Deruette

Favoring ingroups, derogating from outgroups: how populist parties in Belgium polarize on social media

By Lucas Kins, Laura Jacobs and Caroline Close

The Preferred Governing Actors of Populist Supporters: Survey Evidence From Eight European Countries

By Jean-Benoit Pilet, Davide Vittori, Emilien Paulis, Sebastien Rojon

Backsliding Populist Governments in the Council: The Case of the Hungarian Fidesz

By Ramona Coman

Fair Enough? Mini-Public Composition and Outcome Acceptance from the Maxi Public

By Emilien Paulis, Jean-Benoit Pilet, Sébastien Rojon and Davide Vittori

The European Union's Response to the Rule of Law Crisis and the Making of the New Conditionality Regime

By Ramona Coman

From fringe to front? Assessing the voting influence of the radical right in the European Parliament

By Nathalie Brack and Awenig Marié

Resilient austerity? National economic discourses before the pandemic in the European Union

By Tiago Moreira Ramalho, Tom Massart, Amandine Crespy

How does the EU seek to encourage change in national justice systems? A framework of coordinative and coercive Europeanization at work

By Ramona Coman

Alternative patterns to electoral autocracy: recognizing diversity in contemporary autocratization processes

By Luca Tomini with Claudio Balderacchi

Comparing political participation profiles in four Western European countries

Par Sébastien Rojon, Davide Vittori and Emilien Paulis with Paulina Pankowska

Contester par les chiffres : analyse des collectifs d’audit citoyen de la dette en France, en Espagne et en Belgique

Par Jessy Bailly

The EU’s Transactional Approach to Rule of Law Spending Conditionality in the 2020s

Par Pauline Thinus

L’imaginaire démocratique des élu·es et des gouvernant·es à ­­l’épreuve ­­d’une citoyenneté politique augmentée

Par Jessy Bailly

Distinction within the ‘global north’? A Bourdieusian approach for analysing development discourse: The case of U.S. and E.U. relations with the Colombian state (2016–2022): A comparative analysis

By Hugo Corten

During the past few decades, Latin American governments’ recurrent attacks against journalists have contributed to the erosion of press freedom in the region and, relatedly, of the quality of democracy. Yet what pushes governments to harass journalists? W

By Jean-Benoit Pilet, Camille Bedock, David Talukder & Sacha Rangoni

Embedding past, present and future crises: time and the political construction of the Covid-19 pandemic in the EU

By Amandine Crespy, Tom Massart, Tiago Moreira Ramalho

How ‘European sovereignty’ became mainstream: the geopoliticisation of the EU’s ’sovereign turn’ by pro-EU executive actors

By Alvaro Oleart and Juan Roch

Shut Up! Governments’ Popular Support and Journalist Harassment: Evidence from Latin America

By Luca Tomini, Andrea Cassani, Claudio Balderacchi

Beyond ‘responsibility vs. responsiveness’: reconfigurations of EU economic governance in response to crises

By Amandine Crespy, Tiago Moreira Ramalho and Vivien Schmidt

Kicking off passion: the birth and rise of football in Belgium (1880-1914)

Par Pascal Delwit

National or partisan representation: do politicians’ perceptions of the opinions of these voter groups depend on party characteristics?

Par Awenig Marié

COVID-19 et guerre en Ukraine Influence des crises internationales sur le vote pour Emmanuel Macron

Par Elie Michel avec Sylvain Brouard

The angry voter? The role of emotions in voting for the radical left and right at the 2019 Belgian elections

By Laura Jacobs, Jean-Benoit Pilet & Caroline Close

Unequal perspectives? Income inequality as a benchmark for support for European integration

By Bjarn Eck in collaboration with Sven Schreurs

Mis à jour le 19 juin 2024