By Jean-Michel De Waele & Luiz Guilherme Burlamaqui



Soccer & Society



The professional world of football is renowned for its degree of specialization, and for its social division of labour. Luiz Henrique Toledo and Arlei Damo have identified four key groups in the landscape of football: professionals, fans, specialists, and presidents/directors. As Arlei Damo succinctly puts it:

  1. Professionals: All those who directly impact the game, whether on the field (players, coaches, referees) or off the field.(physiologists, trainers, etc.)

  2. Specialists: Individuals who decode games into a linear and universal narrative for journalistic events.(journalists, social media personalities, football scholars)

  3. Fans: All those who engage with football by supporting a club or a national team.

  4. Presidents/Directors: Individuals who wield (and maintain) political and economic control over the spectacle of football. They may either hold elected positions (club and federation presidents) or secure their roles through other means (as administrators, owners, or as sponsored appointees etc.).

Mis à jour le 20 janvier 2025