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Theses submitted
Eduardo Uziel The absence of Brazil from the UN Security Council from 1969 to 1987 and its relevance for the decision-making process of its state apparatus | |
Tom Massart From Taboo to Reality: The Strategic Construction of European Bonds in a Long Decade of Crises (2010-2021) | |
Audrey Brennan Au-delà du scrutin : Révision des règles de sélection des chefs de partis politiques canadiens | |
Elia Bescotti Ontological in-securities in the post-Soviet politics of international law. Contested sovereignties between Georgia-Abkazia, and Moldova-Transnistia | |
Coline Maestracci Prendre les armes : engagement, désengagement et reconfiguration des trajectoires dans l’Ukraine en guerre (2014-2021) | |
Awenig Marié Unequal Representation. Are Politicians' Perceptions of Public Opinion Biased in Favour of Wealthier Voters ? | |
Guido Panzano Autocratization and Inequalities Between Ethnic Groups in the Contemporary World | |
Laura Schmeer Establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office : from core state powers to supranational criminal justice ? | |
Camille Nessel Friend or Foe ? Post-colonial Perceptions of the EU's Trade Identity in Vietamese and Indonesian Media | |
Osman Ergül Le régionalisme à l’épreuve du défi eurasien : quelle hégémonie russe ? (1991-2021) | |
Anna Glyants Religion and community in Dagestan: political ethnography of multiple belonging in the Muslim-majority republic of Russia | |
Anne-Sophie Behm-Bahtat Out of Sight, Out of Mind? An Analysis of MEPs' Focus on Territories in Parliament | |
Céleste Bonnamy Avec la culture, contre internet ? Sociologie de la régulation européenne du droit d'auteur numérique (2004-2019) | |
Jan Beyer In the Borderlands of Democracy: EU Accession Conditionality, Protest and Repression in Southeast Europe | |
Jessica Luciano Gomes The formation of National Role Conceptions in regional institutions: the case of Brazil in MERCOSUR and Germany in the EU | |
Jessy Bailly Les citoyens-contrôleurs de la dette publique (en France, en Espagne et en Belgique, années 2010) | |
Louise Hoon Euroscepticism. Voters and parties in and towards the European Union | |
Marylou Hamm Les conditions de l'Europe. Sociologie de l'assistance technique européenne dans la crise grecque (2011-2015) | |
Mattia Gambilonghi Crise de l’état social et intégration européenne. La mutation du PCI et le processus de Maastricht | |
Robin Lebrun Citizenship Education Activities and Youth Political Attitudes: an experiment in diverse secondary schools in Brussels | |
Thomas Legein Explaining Intra-Party Reforms: Party Engineering in Mainstream Parties in Belgium (1987-2022) | |
David Talukder Légitimité politique et sous-représentation : comment les citoyens évaluent-ils le système politique? | |
Liste des thèses défendues de 1994 à 2021 |