DI-fusion is ULB’s institutional repository; it allows you to share your publications in open access (internet) or restricted access (ULB intranet), and to archive them for the long term. Any researcher who has a contractual or statutory link with the University is required:
  • to input the references of all their publications into DI-fusion, in order to create their official list of publications at ULB;
  • to upload the full text of their scientific publications to DI-fusion for archiving purposes, immediately upon acceptance for publication;
  • to make the full text of their publications available to the public in open access, immediately or after a period prescribed by the publisher, it being understood that for any publication released from 14 September 2018 onwards in a periodical published at least once a year, and which is the result of a research during which the author was affiliated with the ULB or with another higher education institution of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, this period may not exceed 6 months after publication for science, technology, and medicine, or 12 months for social sciences and humanities.
 All PhD theses must be archived in their entirety on DI-fusion; authors can choose whether to make them open access, restricted access, or private access.
Updated on June 19, 2024