Professeure - Chargée de cours
+32 (0)2 650 67 22

Adresse courrier :
ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles

Adresse visiteur :
Bâtiment S, 11è étage - Bureau : S11.113
Avenue Jeanne, 44
1050 Bruxelles



I was born and raised in Lyon, France. After completing my Bachelor degree at Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Lyon, I felt the need to leave my hometown and discover Europe. I went to Berlin for an Erasmus year and developed a strong interest for EU politics. I loved the city and stayed one more year to work as an intern at the Bundestag and at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) where I acquired my first experience in the realm of research.
The desire to specialise in European politics led me to Bruges, in Belgium, where I completed a Master's degree at the College of Europe.

After graduation, instead of completing the planned internship at the General Secretariat of the European Commission, I successfully applied for a PhD grant at ULB on Resisting Europe". Just a few months after the European Constitutional Treaty was rejected by a majority of Dutch and French voters, this topic was fascinating to me.

Since 2010, I have been Faculty Member at the ULB Political Science Department, and a researcher at CEVIPOL and Institut d'Etudes Européennes. This incredibly dynamic, nice and collective minded environment has made me a happy scholar.

I often collaborate with progressive think tanks, political foundations, and trade unions. I contribute to public debate on various online platforms including Social Europe or The Conversation. I also respond to queries from the Belgian, French and international media.

Brussels, a special city I have learned to love, is home for me and my family.

Else, I practice yoga (ashtanga) and play saxophone in a band called Yanu which plays its own tunes (chanson) on afro and latin (especially Brazilian) rhythms as well as covers. 





Professor in Political Science and EU Studies

Researcher at CEVIPOL & Institut d'Etudes Européennes (IEE)

Academic Coordinator for the ULB Master in European Studies (Présidente de Jury)

Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges)

Associate researcher at the European Social Observatory

Visiting fellowships

January-September 2018: Visiting Fellow at Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies (ACCESS EUROPE), at the Political Economy and Transnational Governance (PETGOV) Research Programme Group of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University van Amsterdam

Former visiting fellowships: KFG at Freie Universität Berlin (2009), Centre d'études européennes at Science Po Paris (2010), Centre for European Studies at Harvard University (2011), European Institute at LSE, SPIR/CER at Queen Mary University of London (2013/2014).

Current research projects

PDR EUJUST : Ideas and instruments of the just transition in the European Union, funded by the FNRS (with Tiago Moreira Ramalho, ULB, et Clément Fontan, UCLouvain/Saint-Louis)

Centre d’excellence Jean Monnet EUqualis on the EU and inequality, funded by the EU (MSCA)(with Chloé Brière, ULB)

ARC - Action de recherche concertée: From EU market to social citizenship and back?, funded by ULB (with Nicolas Verschueren, ULB)

Former projects

Mandat d'impulsion scientifique (MIS): The politicization of fiscal disipline in the European Union, funded by FNRS

SOVEU: Conflicts of Sovereignty in a European Union in Crisis (with University of Cambridge), funded by Fondation Wiener-Anspach.


Public Services in the European Union (ULB/FNRS)




Domaines d'intérêt

  • Gouvernance socio-économique dans l'UE (Eurozone et semestre européen), Europe sociale, UE et néolibéralisme, régulation et libéralisation des services publics
  • Conflit, politisation, souveraineté, résistances à l’Europe, mouvements de mobilisation à l'échelle européenne
  • Idées et discours dans les politiques publiques, théories et méthodes de l'analyse de discours
  • Politique ueropéenne de la France et de l'Allemagne, tandem franco-allemand

Présentation des enseignements
  • POLI O409 - Simuler la codécision
  • POLI O410 - EU Integration and Public Policy
  • POLI O416 - The Internal Market and Social Europe
  • POLI D438 - Méthodes d'enquête de terrain
Présentation des recherches

I am fundamentally fascinated by the relations between capitalism, democracy and European integration. Thus, my research deals with the politicization of EU integration in relation with socio-economic policies. I have been working more particularly on three clusters of topics.

First: marketisation and neoliberalism inthe EU, socio-economic governance and "Social Europe", liberalisation and regulation of welfare services, the social and fiscal coordination in the Eurozone through the European Semester. 

Second: contention and politicization in the EU including conflicts over sovereignty, social movements and parliamentarism, the role of deliberation, ideas and discourse in the legitimation of the EU and its policies.

Third: French and German EU policy 

Travaux sélectionnés






Mis à jour le 22 mai 2024