Adresse courrier :
ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles


Matteo is a PhD candidate in political economy in the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London. He holds a Research Master’s degree in Political Science from Sciences Po Paris with a dissertation on the financing of climate innovation in the EU, and received a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Bologna. He has taught in undergraduate modules in Comparative and International Political Economy, as well as financial and economic history.



  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, King’s College London
  • Research Assistant, Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC), Sciences Po Paris
  • Research Assistant, CoronaNet Research Project

Domaines d'intérêt

  • Climate-related financial policy
  • Innovation and industrial policy
  • Public investment policy 
  • Financial regulation
  • Political economy of the EU
  • Text-as-data methods


The Growth of Financial Capitalism

Comparative Social Policy

Economic Policy Making

My PhD focuses on the complex financing of new industrial policy in the European Union. In an increasingly competitive geostrategic environment, industrial policy has reemerged as a response to the challenges of the climate transition and digitalization. The dissertation focuses on the financial underpinnings of this revival, exploring the mechanisms, actors, and political dynamics that shape the funding of new industrial strategies. Specifically, it investigates whether and how climate-related industrial policies have disrupted the EU’s historical reliance on institutional investors and reshaped the governance of industrial and innovation policy.

The research evaluates material shifts in financing and how political actors have framed these changes since the launch of major EU investment programmes (2015 onward), including post-pandemic responses, the rise of public investment, and the energy crisis. The actors under examination include the European Commission, the European Parliament, public financial institutions (such as the EIB Group), and industry representatives. The analysis draws on descriptive data, elite interviews, and transformer-based language models trained on an original corpus of over 2,500 documents, including European Commission communications, reports, and European Parliament debates.


Mis à jour le 26 mars 2025