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Varieties of Ecosocial Policies in the EU: The Case of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans

Publié le 27 janvier 2025 Mis à jour le 5 février 2025

Séminaire de l'axe Europe avec Paolo Graziano, Prof. of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Padua.

Professor Paolo Graziano is invited as part of the international chair "Advancing knowledge on eco-social policies and a green just transition in the European Union," coordinated by Amandine Crespy.



The European Union (EU) has started implementing its ambitious decarbonisation strategy devised by the European Green Deal (EGD) short after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. In addition to deploying ordinary legal and budgetary instruments, an extraordinary amount of funding has been mobilized through NextGenerationEU to support green, digital and just transitions, having the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) as its cornerstone. Drawing on the growing eco-welfare debate and EU governance scholarship, our contribution first analyses how the 27 national plans implementing the RRF address the ecosocial challenges by scrutinising the intersection between social and environmental objectives at the level of individual thematic axes and then focuses on the explanatory political dynamics in three countries: Germany, Italy, and Poland. Our findings show that different ecosocial policy integration mixes can be found and the variation can be explained by a country-based combination of political-institutional and interest-based factors, in addition to domestic social and environmental policy legacies.   


Le 13 mars 2025

12h15 - 13h45


Institut d'études européennes - ULB

Salle Kant

39, Avenue F.D Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles

Alvaro Oleart : alvaro.oleart@ulb.be