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Vacancy Postdoctoral Researcher (100%) in Political Science

Publié le 1 juillet 2024 Mis à jour le 1 juillet 2024


Project “Perception of Differentness, Affective Polarization and Vote Choice” (NOTLIKEUS)

Skills: experiment, survey research, data management, election studies

Job description

This is a call for applications for a full-time post-doctoral position for one year, with the possibility of extension. The post-doctoral researcher will become an active member of the research project “NOTE LIKE US”. The project offers a stimulating working environment in a dynamic and international research team. The project involves 7 research teams from the Universiteit Antwerpen (UA), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), KULeuven, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), University of Ghent, University of Namur and Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
The researchers will be based at the Cevipol (ULB). They will have an office and relevant administrative support at ULB. They will have no teaching obligations but will be allowed to engage in a limited amount of teaching if this is judged appropriate for their academic development. They will be expected to contribute to collective work on the project, and to present and publish individual or collective research outputs. Within the project, the selected candidate will:

- Collect, manage and analyze data from experiments
- Analyze data collected via the panel survey organized within the project in 2024 (in relation to the 2024 federal, regional and European elections in Belgium)
- Conduct reseach on vote choice, affective polarization, democratic attitudes
- Interest for social media and their impact on politics is a bonus
- Assist the ULB PIs Emilie van Haute, Caroline Close and Jean-Benoit Pilet in their work