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Towards a New Paradigm on Post-truth
Publié le 4 juillet 2024
– Mis à jour le 4 septembre 2024
Séminaire / webinaire de l'axe Partis, Élections et Représentation
Anam Siddiq Kuraishi (Universiteit Antwerpen)
This book reconceptualises the idea of ‘post-truth’. It does not limit the domain of post-truth to the production factories of fake news. Drawing on examples such as Trump, War on Terror, anti-vaccination, climate change denial, denial of scientific facts about smoking and so forth, it analyses the concept through a new theoretical lens which focuses on the specificity of post-truth discourses. Further, the volume develops a guide to operationalise post-truth discourse and makes use of Pakistan as a case study to illustrate post-truth discourses in Pakistani newspapers and implements an experiment to measure the effects of post-truth rhetoric on political attitudes. The volume will be essential reading for students, scholars and researchers of media and communication studies, politics and South Asian studies.Date(s)
Le 26 septembre 2024
12h30 - 14h00
ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Bâtiment S, 15è étage
Salle Henri Janne (S15.331)
44, Avenue Jeanne - 1050 Bruxelles
Pietro Castelli Gattinara :