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Docteure en sciences politiques et sociales
Adresse courrier :
ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles
Adresse visiteur :
Bâtiment S, 11è étage - Bureau : S11.133
Avenue Jeanne, 44 1050 Bruxelles
[Bio FR]
Audrey Brennan est doctorante en science politique en cotutelle avec le département de science politique de l’Université Laval, et bénéficie d’un mandant d’Aspirante FNRS. Elle a également été boursière Mini-ARC « seedmoney » de 2018-2019. Elle détient un baccalauréat en science politique de Concordia University et une maîtrise en science politique de l’Université Laval.
Par le passé elle s’est concentrée sur la politique canadienne, la politique comparée, la politique électorale et l’administration publique. Aujourd’hui, elle s’intéresse à la politique comparée et aux partis politiques. Son mémoire de maîtrise portait sur la campagne à la chefferie du Parti conservateur du Canada (2016-2017). Dans le cadre de sa thèse doctorale, Brennan étudie l'évolution des règles des courses à la direction des partis politiques
[Bio Eng]
Audrey Brennan is completing a joint doctorate in political science within the departments of political science of Université libre de Bruxelles and Université Laval. She is also an FNRS Research Fellow and has benefitted from a Mini-ARC seedmoney in 2018-2019. She holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Concordia University and a master's degree in political science from Université Laval.
In the past her research has focused on Canadian politics, comparative politics, electoral politics and public administration. Today she is interested in comparative politics and political parties. Her master's thesis studied the leadership campaign of the Conservative Party of Canada (2016-2017). As part of her dissertation, Brennan studies the evolution of political parties' leadership selection rules.
PhD in Political and Social Sciences Expected completion in September 2024
Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels
PhD in Political Science Expected completion in September 2024
Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
Master's degree in Political Science - with dissertation 2018
Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
Political Science 2015
Concordia University, Montreal
esearch Assistant 2016-2020
Université Laval, Quebec
- Scientific literature review
- Data encoding
- Data collection
Coordinator – Study of Impacy 2018
Université de Montréal / Election Québec, Montréal et Québec
- Communication between principal investigator, Élections Québec, school boards and schools
- Development of recruitment material with researcher
- Implementation of project management tools
Coordinator- Study of Impacy 2016-2018
Université de Montréal & Élections Québec, Montréal and Québec
- Develop questionnaires with principal investigator
- Communication between Élections Québec, principal investigator and schools
- Linguistic revision
- Recruitment of participating primary schools
- Timetable management of facilitators in schools
- Implementation of project management tools
Doctoral Excellence 2023
$2,500 (CAD)
- Annual Doctoral Excellence Scholarship of the Research Chair in Democracy and Parliamentary Institutions
Research Grant 2022
$2,000 (CAD)
- Student research scholarship from the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship to make a field of research.
Methodological Grant 2022
$2,000 (CAD)
- Scholarship to attend the "Methods Net" School to take regression courses
FNRS Research Fellowship 2020
$180,054 (CAD)
- Belgian 4-year doctoral funding. 27.836,40 €/year (2020-2022) and 32,181,00 €/year (2023-2024)
World Citizen Grant 2020
$10,000 (CAD)
- Mobility grant for a stay at a foreign university.
Research Grant (unused) 2020
$470 (CAD)
- Student research grant from the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship to write a chapter in a collective work.
Mini-ARC seed money 2018
$50,223 (CAD)
- Mini-ARC grants are awarded to researchers or research teams on the basis of criteria of excellence and the research potential they represent for the future of ULB (34109€).
Research Grant 2017
$2,000 (CAD)
- Student research scholarship from the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship to provide the research ground for my dissertation project.
Mobility Grant – ICUF 2015
$4,100 (CAD)
- Concordia University and Ireland Canada University Foundation Mobility Scholarship to attend an intensive Gaelic course at NUIG.
Domaines d'intérêt
Political parties, Canadian politics, comparative politics, electoral systems, intra party party democracy
Présentation des enseignements
Teaching Assistant 2016-2020
Université Laval, Quebec
- Correction of assignments and examinations
- Meeting with students
- Development of active learning activities
Teaching Assistant 2019
Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels
- Correction of assignments and examinations
- Animation of practical sessions
- Teaching theoretical subjects on Canadian politics
(Un)writing the Rules: Party Perspectives on the Causes and Consequences of Changes in Leadership Section Mechanisms
Travaux sélectionnés
(Accepted) Sullivan, Katherine V.R., and Audrey E. Brennan "Social Media for Women in Academia" in Gender in the Academy. Ed. Kersty Kearney, Rachael Johnstone, and Bessma Momani. UBC Press. Vancouver.
Recension de Frédéric Boily, Droitisation et Populisme: Canada - Québec - États-Unis, Bulletin d'histoire politique 29, no. 3, Hiver 2021
Emilien Paulis, Marco Ognibene and Audrey E. Brennan; «Les partis et les réseaux sociaux» dans Les partis politique en Belgique. Ed. Pascal Delwit Emilie van Haute. 2021 4e dition. Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles.Bruxelles Belgique
Eric Montigny and Audrey Brennan. «Pétitions électroniques au Québec : entre transfert et résistance», Participation vol 28, no. 3 (2020): 151-176
Pilet, Jean-Benoit, Maria Jimena Sanhuza, David Talukder, Jérémy Dodeigne, and Audrey E. Brennan. "Opening the Opaque Blank Box: An Exploration into Blank and Null Votes in the 2018 Walloon Local Elections." Politics of the Low Countries 1, no. 3 (2019): 182-204.