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PhD in political and social sciences
Adresse courrier :
ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles
Audrey Brennan is a postdoctoral researcher in political science. Her research focuses on the development of democratic institutions, the role of institutional architects, and the interactions between these institutions and citizens, including politicians and the general public.
She holds a PhD in political science, jointly completed at Université Laval and Université libre de Bruxelles. Her dissertation examines the evolution of leadership selection rules in provincial and federal political parties in Canada from 2000 to 2023. Her work employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze these institutional dynamics.
Passionate about these issues, Audrey is always open to discussion and collaboration. Feel free to reach out!
- Postdoctoral researcher, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
- FNRS Research Fellow - 2020-2024, Centre for the Study of Political Life
- Master’s in Political Science, Université Laval (2018)
- Project Coordinator, Informer et Mobiliser, 2018
- Project Coordinator, Vivre ensemble et citoyenneté, 2017-2018
- Researcher, Chair in Democracy and Parliamentary Institutions, since 2016
- Bachelor’s in Political Science (Public Administration), Concordia University, Montreal (2015)
Areas of research
- Canadian politics, comparative politics, political parties, democratic institutions
- Research
In Progress
“Acclamations in Municipal Election: A model of political efficacy in Québec”. With/avec Sandra Breux (INRS), Jérôme Couture (U. Laval) “How to study political parties: Data, methods and (good) practices”. With/avec: Caroline Close (ULB), Thomas Legein (VUB) “They Got a Ticket to Run: Navigating Ballot Access for Local Canadian Politicians” To be “Voting Method’s effect on Votes: A wording experiment”. With/avec Marc André Bodet (U. Laval)
Beyond the Ballot: Reviewing Canadian Political Parties’ Leadership Selection Rules Primaries a Dress Rehearsal for the Election?: Analyzing the Conservative Party of Canada’s 2016 - 2017 leadership primary
- Publications
Brennan, Audrey E., et Katherine V. R. Sullivan. 2024. “Social Media for Women in Academia,” in Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers. Ed. Rachael Johnstone and Bessma Momani. UBC Press, Vancouver.
Paulis, Emilien, Marco Ognibene, et Audrey E. Brennan. 2021. « Les partis et les réseaux sociaux, » dans Les partis politiques en Belgique. Ed. Pascal Delwit and Emilie van Haute. 4e édition. Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles.
Montigny, Eric, et Audrey E. Brennan. 2020. « Pétition électronique au Québec : entre transfert et résistance ». Participation, 28(3), 151-176.
Pilet, Jean-Benoit, Maria Jimena Sanhuza, David Talukder, Jérémy Dodeigne, et Audrey E. Brennan. 2019. « Opening the Opaque Blank Box: An Exploration into Blank and Null Votes in the 2018 Walloon Local Elections. » Politics of the Low Countries, 1(3), 182-204.