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Chercheur postdoctorant
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Domaines d'intérêt
• Minipublics et assemblées citoyennes délibératives
• Participation citoyenne et innovations démocratiques
• Théorie de la démocratie
• Préférences démocratiques des citoyens
Travaux sélectionnés
Vrydagh, J. (2023). The minipublic bubble: how the contributions of minipublics are conceived in Belgium (2001–2021). European Political Science Review, 1-16.
Reuchamps M., Vrydagh J., Welp, Y. (2023). The Handbook of Citizens’ Assemblies (2023). De Gruyter.
Knops, L., & Vrydagh, J. (2023). Between hopes and the governance of unsustainability: an analysis of Citizen Assemblies potential on climate change. In Handbook on Citizens’ Assemblies, edited by Reuchamps M., Vrydagh J., Welp. Y. De Gruyter.
Vrydagh, J., (2023) Citizens’ Assemblies: an Introduction. In Handbook on Citizens’ Assemblies, edited by Reuchamps M., Vrydagh J., Welp. Y. De Gruyter.
Vrydagh, J. (2022). Measuring the impact of consultative citizen participation. Reviewing the congruency approaches for assessing the uptake of citizen ideas. Policy Sciences, 55, 65-88.