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Gabriel Vommaro is Professor of Political Sociology at the EIDAES, Universidad de San Martín and Researcher at the Argentinian National Research Council, CONICET. He heads the master's program in political sociology at UNSAM. He received his PhD from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. His research focuses on party organizations and political activism, the relationship between the state and social organizations, the media and politics, and social sciences and expertise. He is the author of research articles and essays published in edited volumes and academic journals (including Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, Party Politics, Latin American Politics and Society, Journal of Latin American Studies, Estudios Sociológicos, Revista Mexicana de Sociología, Gouvernement et Action Publique and Politix). His publications include: Lo que quiere la gente? Los sondeos de opinión y el espacio de la comunicación política en Argentina (1983-1999) (Prometeo, 2008); Sociologie du clientélisme (La Découverte, 2015, with H. Combes, with Spanish version: Clientelismo político. Desde 1950 hasta nuestros días, Siglo XXI, 2016); La larga marcha de Cambiemos (Siglo XXI, 2017); Diminished Parties. Democratic Representation in Contemporary Latin America (Cambrigde University Press, 2021, edited with J. P. Luna, R. Piñeiro and F. Rosenblatt), Conservatives against the Tide (Cambridge University Press, 2023) and The Recasting of the Latin American Right (Cambridge University Press, 2024, edited with A. Borges and R. Lloyd). In 2019, he was awarded the Houssay Prize for National Social Science Research by the Argentine Ministry of Education.
Current position:- Full Professor of Political Sociology at the Universidad de San Martín (Interdisciplinary School of Advanced Social Studies). Since 2018.
- Chair of the Master's in Political Sociology at the Universidad de San Martín (Interdisciplinary School of Advanced Social Studies). Since 2021.
- Researcher at the National Scientific Research Council (CONICET). Since 2011.
- Researcher-Associate Professor at the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Institute of Human Development, Department of Political Studies (2011-2018).
- Researcher-Assistant Professor at the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Institute of Human Development, Department of Political Studies (2006-2011).
- Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2001-2006).
- Lecturer at the Departments of Sociology and Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2000-2004).
Areas of research
- Comparative Political Sociology.
- Political organizations and activism, especially of right-wing parties.
- Relationship between the state, activism and social organizations.
- Media, communication and politics.
- Teaching
Graduate teaching
Current position: Seminar: “Public space, media and social media”, Master's Degree in Political Sociology at the Universidad de San Martín (Interdisciplinary School of Advanced Social Studies) (2021-present).
- Seminar: “Theories of power”, Master Program in Political and Social Theory, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2017-present).
- Seminar: “Problems of Contemporary Political Theory”, Master's and Doctorate in Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/IDES (2010-2021).
- Seminar: “Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Politics: Actors, Knowledge, Practices”, Master's and Doctoral Program in Sociology, Universidad de San Martín (Interdisciplinary School of Advanced Social Studies). Also taught at INDES, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (2016-2017).Undergraduate teaching (Bachelor's and Master's level)
Current position: “Political Sociology” at the Universidad de San Martín (Interdisciplinary School of Advanced Social Studies). Since 2018.
- Seminars: “Political Structure and Actors”, “Contemporary Argentine Political Sociology” and “Bachelor's Thesis Workshop”, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Institute of Human Development, Department of Political Studies. (2011-2018).
- Seminars: “The media and the political system”, “Fundamentals of political theory”, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Institute of Human Development, Department of Political Studies (2006-2011).
- Course in “Contemporary Social Theory: The Interpretive Current”, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (2001-2006).
- Courses in “Contemporary Political Problems” and “Contemporary Political Theory”, Departments of Sociology and Political Science of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (2000-2004). - Research
Research project leadership
- Co-director of the project “The Milei Voter Research Project”. Ford Foundation and Tulane University. In collaboration with Gabriel Kessler (2024-2025).
- Director of the PIP project “Politics in non-political groups in Argentina today” (Code 11220210100289CO). CONICET (2023-2025).
- Co-director of the project “Polarization, democracy and rights in Latin America”. Ford Foundation. In collaboration with Gabriel Kessler (2021-2023).
- Director of the PICT Project “Political parties in recent Argentina (2007-2017): recruitment, social worlds of belonging and worldviews of political elites in transformation”. Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCyT), National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion (2017-2020).
- Director of the Argentine team of the USPC-CIN cooperation project “Social and political studies on the media in Latin America and Europe. Collaboration and exchange in research and teaching”. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento- Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3.
- Director of the French team: Eric Maigret (2017-2018).
- Director of the PIP Project, “Towards a typology of the political elites in Argentina: recruitment, sociability and world views. A comparative study in the district of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (2001-2011)”. CONICET (2013-2016).
- Director of the “Research Network on Latin American Political Elites”, established between the National University of General Sarmiento, the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil) and the Andrés Bello University (Chile). Program “Towards a Southern Consensus for Development with Social Inclusion. Secretariat for the Management and Coordination of University Policies, Ministry of Education (2013-2015). - Publications
- André Borges, Ryan Lloyd and Gabriel Vommaro (eds.). (2024). The Recasting of the Latin American Right, Nueva York: Cambridge University Press.
- Rafael Piñeiro, Fernando Rosenblatt, Gabriel Vommaro and Laura Wills-Otero. (2024). Parties and New Technologies in Latin America, New York, Cambridge University Press.
- Gabriel Vommaro. (2023). Conservatives Against the Tide: The Rise of the Argentine PRO in Comparative Perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Juan Pablo Luna, Rafael Piñeiro Rodríguez, Fernando Rosenblatt and Gabriel Vommaro (eds). (2021). “Political parties, diminished subtypes, and democracy”, Party Politics, 27(2): 294-307.
- André Borges, Ryan Lloyd and Gabriel Vommaro (eds.). (2024). The Recasting of the Latin American Right, Nueva York: Cambridge University Press.