PhD from the University of Tampere


Achillefs Papageorgiou has a PhD from the University of Tampere (Finland), an MSc from the London School of Economics (UK) and a BA from the Panteion University (Greece). His research interests include political participation, political psychology and comparative politics. He is currently working on a project financed (2022-2026) by the Kone Foundation, which studies the effect of discrimination on political participation and attitudes. His research has appeared in journals such as Electoral Studies, European Political Science Review, European Union Politics, Party Politics, Political Psychology, Political Studies, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, etc.


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Selected publications

Papageorgiou, Achillefs and lmmonen, Waltteri (2023) How supranational institutions benefit from crises: member states' solidarity and the EU's image during the COVID-19 pandemic, European Union Politics, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 601-621.

Bernardi, Luca, Mattila, Mikko, Papageorgiou, Achillefs and Rapeli, Lauri (2023) Dawn but not yet out: Depression, political efficacy, and voting, Political Psychology, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 217-233.

von Schoultz, Asa and Papageorgiou, Achillefs (2021) Policy or persan? The electoral value of policy positions and persona! attributes in the Finnish open-list system, Party Politics, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 767-778.

Koskimaa, Vesa, Mattila, Mikko, Papageorgiou, Achillefs and von Schoultz, Asa (2021) Revamping the menu - or just offering what's in stock? Candidate list volatility in open-list PR systems: Evidence from Fin land, European Political Science Review, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 449-466.

Mattila, Mikko, Papageorgiou, Achillefs and Rapeli, Lauri (2020) lnterest through necessity? The impact of persona! health on the stability of political interest in the United Kingdom, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 421-438.

Bhattacharya, Caroline and Papageorgiou, Achillefs (2019) Are backbenchers fighting back? lntra-party contestation in German parliament debates on the Greek crisis, Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp.425-444.

Updated on August 19, 2024