2. EN
  3. Agenda

Roundtable: Reforming the EU - how and why?

Publié le 16 novembre 2023 Mis à jour le 30 novembre 2023


  1. Professor Olivier Costa, College of Europe and Sciences Po Paris, co-rapporteur of the Group of Twelve’s report “Sailing on High Seas: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st Century” 
  2. Daniel Freund, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA, co-rapporteur of the report on the Proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties
  3. Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Member of the European Parliament, ECR, shadow rapporteur on the Proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties
  4. Andy Detaille, Ambassador, Director for EU institutional affairs, Belgian Foreign Affairs Ministry

Le 18 décembre 2023

12h00 - 14h00

Plan d'accès

ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Bâtiment D, salle DC2.206
2è étage

Avenue Antoine Depage - 1050 Bruxelles

Marie-Line Furst : marie-line.furst@ulb.be