Postdoctoral fellow

Adresse courrier :

ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles

Adresse visiteur :
Bâtiment S, 10è étage - Bureau : S10.232
Avenue Jeanne, 44 1050 Bruxelles



Radzhana Buyantueva is a postdoctoral researcher of the Fonds national de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS) affiliated with the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB-CEVIPOL). Her research focuses on the comparative analysis of online LGBT+ activism in the post-Soviet space.  

Domaines d'intérêt

-    Political sociology
-    Comparative politics
-    Human rights
-    Social movements
-    East European politics

Travaux sélectionnés

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Radzhana Buyantueva, LGBT Russians and Political Environment for Activism, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2020
Radzhana Buyantueva, What Motivates LGBT Activists to Protest? The Case of Russia,Problems of Post-Communism, 2020,

Radzhana Buyantueva, Resource Mobilisation and LGBT Activism in Russia, East European Politics, 2020, 36(3), 417-444, 2020 
Radzhana Buyantueva, LGBT Rights Activism and Homophobia in Russia, Journal of Homosexuality, 2018, 65(4), 456-483 
Radzhana Buyantueva, Sootnoshenie politicheskikh prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v sovremennom rossiiskom obshestve [translation: The scale of political rights and freedoms in contemporary Russian society], Vestnik Buryatskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 2009, 6(a), 210-221 
Radzhana Buyantueva, Normativno-pravovoe regulirovanie svobodi manifestatsii v Rossiiskoi Federattsii [translation: Legal regulation of the freedom of assembly in the Russian Federation], Vestnik Chitinskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 2008, 2(47), 74-79
Radzhana Buyantueva, Svoboda manifestatsii tak politicheskoe pravo i svoboda cheloveka [translation: Freedom of assembly as a political right and freedom], Vestnik Chitinskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 2008, 3(48), 82-87 
Radzhana Buyantueva, Poniyatie i sush’nost svobodi manifestatsii [translation: The concept and essence of the freedom of assembly]. Konstitutsionnoe i Munitsipalnoe Pravo, 2008, 22, 7-10

Updated on July 25, 2024