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[English version)

Claudia Bădulescu is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute of European Studies at the ULB, working primarily in the framework of the RED-SPINEL project (Responding to Emerging Dissensus: Supranational Instruments & Norms of European Liberal Democracy). Previously, Claudia worked as a PhD Researcher in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute (EUI), where she analysed the Europeanisation of post-communist public administrations from the CEE and the Western Balkans. While at the EUI, Claudia has been working on a variety of international research projects, such as the Horizon 2020 InDivEU project, the ERC Synergy programme SOLID , the POLCON project and the euandi2019 project. Claudia worked for several years as a Senior Project Manager at the French ENA, where she had a leading role in the management of international projects supporting administrative reform in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa.

[French version]

Claudia Bădulescu est chercheuse post-doctorale à l'Institut d'études européennes de l'ULB, travaillant principalement dans le cadre du projet RED-SPINEL (Responding to Emerging Dissensus : Supranational Instruments & Norms of European Liberal Democracy). Auparavant, Claudia a travaillé comme chercheuse en sciences politiques et sociales à l'Institut universitaire européen (IUE), où elle a analysé l'européanisation des administrations publiques post-communistes des pays d'Europe centrale et orientale et des Balkans occidentaux. Pendant son séjour à l'IUE, Claudia a travaillé sur divers projets de recherche internationaux, tels que le projet InDivEU d'Horizon 2020, le programme de synergie SOLID du CER, le projet POLCON et le projet euandi2019 . Claudia a travaillé pendant plusieurs années en tant que chargée de projet senior à l'ENA en France, où elle a exercé un rôle de premier plan dans la gestion de projets internationaux soutenant la réforme administrative en Europe de l'Est, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord.

Domaines de recherche

  • Les processus d'européanisation et d'intégration européenne
  • La promotion de la démocratie, de l'état de droit et des reformes administratives
  • Problèmes de transition et de consolidation démocratiques dans les pays post-communistes
  • Politique, partis et pouvoir en Europe centrale et orientale et dans les Balkans occidentaux depuis 1989
  • Intégration différenciée dans l'UE

Sélection de travaux

Bădulescu, C. (2023). “Nations in Transit 2023 Country Report – Romania”, Freedom House, USA. .

Telle, S., Bădulescu, C. & Fernandes, D. (2022). Attitudes of national decision-makers towards differentiated integration in the European Union. Comparative European Politics. .

Bădulescu, C. (2022). “Nations in Transit 2022 Country Report – Romania”, Freedom House, USA. .

Bădulescu, C. (2021). "Differentiated Integration or Discriminatory Integration? Romania’s view on DI in the EU." Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies 13, no. 3 (2021). .

Bădulescu, C. (2021). The politics of differentiated integration : what do governments want? Country report - Romania, EUI RSC, 2021/44, Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU) 
Available on Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository, at: .

Bădulescu, C., Telle, S. (2021). Differentiated integration and the EU member states: salience and governmental positions, EUI Research Data, 2021, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Available on Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository, at: .

Telle, S., Bădulescu, C., Fernandes, D. (2021). Differentiated integration in the EU : what do the member states ‘think’ about it?, EUI RSC, 2021/50, Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU) 
Available on Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository, at: .

Bădulescu, C. (2020). Integrating diversity or fostering cleavages? Differentiated integration in the EU : a view from Romania, IFAIR, 2020, EU & Europe, Available on Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository, at: .

Bădulescu, C. (2019). Transnistria: A Wedge Between Russia and the European Union. A Dialogue in ‘Frozen’ Conflicts, November 29, 2019, Available at SSRN: .

Bădulescu, C., Colfer, B. (2019). The collapse of Romania’s social democratic government– civil society strikes back, Policy Network, October 2019, Available at: .

Updated on July 25, 2024