PhD Student

Adresse courrier :
ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles

Adresse visiteur :
Bâtiment S, 11è étage - Bureau : S11.214
Avenue Jeanne, 44 1050 Bruxelles



Piotr is a Ph.D. candidate working on the project Post-Truth and Political Parties, focusing on the elite use of conspiracy theories. His doctoral project, supervised by Prof. Nathalie Brack (ULB), will map how often political parties use conspiratorial frames and why they do that. The project entails building a dataset of social media communication of partisan actors in Belgium, Denmark, Greece, and Poland. In the latter stage of the project, Piotr will conduct a series of interviews with Polish politicians aimed at discerning the rationale of using conspiratorial frames.

Throughout his studies, Piotr worked as a Research Assistant at the Challenges of Democratic Representation group at the University of Amsterdam. He co-authored an essay on the political representation of minority groups in Dutch politics with Prof. Floris Vermeulen. Additionally, he conducted an aggregate analysis of determinants of turnout in Amsterdam, with an emphasis on gentrification.


2023- : PhD candidate, Université libre de Bruxelles (Cevipol); Post-truth and Political Parties (funded by Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique)

January 2021- June 2023: Research Assistant at the programme group 'Challenges of Democratic Representation’

2021-2023: Research Master in Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam

2018-2021: BSc in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam

Research interests

Post-truth politics, affective polarization, radical right, left populism, Central Eastern Europe

Working papers

Co-authoring the research note - “A new logic of party competition? Measuring technopopulism in 8 European democracies between 2010-19” in cooperation with Bartek Pytlas (LMU Munich) and Nick Martin (UvA). The note introduces the ‘technopopulist index’ that captures the convergence and salience of populist and technocratic claims on the party level.

Co-authoring the research paper; “Perils of “revitalization? Gentrification, political participation, and support for social democrats in Amsterdam”. The analysis uses aggregate-level data to gauge the effect of gentrification on turnout and support for PvdA in city districts.

Updated on August 14, 2024