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L'Europe à l'écran. Raconter, filmer, partager une histoire européenne

Publié le 21 février 2024 Mis à jour le 21 février 2024

Raconter l'Europe avec Noé Debré

Le séminaire "Raconter l'Europe" explore les récits politiques, intellectuels et artistiques de l'intégration européenne. Le 14 mars, l'IEE-ULB accueillera Noé Debré, créateur et scénariste de la série Parlement.


Raconter l’Europe – Narrating Europe

The seminar coordinated by François Foret is part of the partnership agreement signed in 2023 by the European University Institute (EUI) and the ULB. It received a label « Culture » and funding from the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and includes a media partnership with the newspaper Le Soir. 

In practice the seminar is organized as an “open course” with ULB students and interested members of the wider public (EU practitioners, members of European civil society, journalists, citizens). Speakers include academics, politicians, journalists, and artists sharing their views about the production, circulation and reception of European narratives in various social sectors. 

Information and registration, here


Le 14 mars 2024

14:00 - 16:00


Salle Spaak

39, Av. F.D. Roosevelt - 1050 Bruxelles

François Foret : francois.foret@ulb.be