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I am a Professor of Political Science at the Université libre de Bruxelles, a member of CEVIPOL and an affiliate member of Institut d’études européennes (IEE-ULB). During the academic year 2023-24 I was a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges.
Born in Brasov, Romania, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Bucharest (2001). In 2000, I joined the ULB as an Erasmus student in Political Science. It was in Brussels that I discovered my passion for European studies after taking a few courses at the IEE-ULB. After my Erasmus stay, I completed a Master's degree in European Politics at ULB’s Institute, during which time I was also a Robert Schuman intern at the European Parliament. After this extremely rewarding experience, I was appointed assistant in political science at ULB, where I began a PhD in 2003. I hold a DEA in Political Science from the ULB (2004) and obtained the title of Doctor in Political and Social Sciences from the same university in 2008. My doctoral thesis (under the supervision of prof. Jean-Michel de Waele) focused on justice reforms in Central and Eastern Europe, with a particular emphasis on Romania. In 2008/2009, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Research Institute on Judicial Systems (IRSIG-CNR) in Bologna, Italy.
As an IEE alumna (class of 2003) it has been an honour for me to serve as President (2009-2023) and Director (2014-2019) of the Institut d’études européennes.
I teach Decision-making in the EU; Rule of law and mutual trust in global and European governance (MA level) and I coordinate the PhD Seminar on theory, methods and research in Political Science.
My research focuses on dynamics of policy/institutional change, democratization and Europeanization.
As of October 2022, I am the Principal Investigator of the Horizon Europe project “Responding to Emerging Dissensus: Supranational Instruments and Norms of European Democracy” (RED-SPINEL, 2022-2025) and the academic coordinator of the GEM-DIAMOND Marie Sklodowska Curie Action Joint Doctorate Network.
Among my publications I would mention: The Politics of the Rule of Law in the EU Polity Actors, Tools and Challenges (2022, Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics) and the textbook Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union (2019).
Née en 1978
- depuis octobre 2021 – Professeure en Science politique
- 2019-2023: Présidente de l'Institut d'études européennes
- 2014 - 2019: Directrice de l'Institut d'études européennes
- 2011 - 2014 : Vice-présidente du Département de Science politique, ULB
- 2011 - 2015 : Directrice adjointe du Centre d'étude de la Vie Politique (CEVIPOL)
- 2010 - 2013 : Présidente du Jury de la formation doctorale et d'admission au doctorat
- 2008 (sept) - 2009 (janvier), visiting researcher, Istituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari (IRSIG-CNR)/Bologna
- Mai 2008 - Docteur en science politique - Titre de la thèse: La carrière publique de la consolidation des garanties d'indépendance de la justice. Un phénomène social et politique dans la Roumanie post-communiste (sous la direction de Jean-Michel De Waele)
- 2003 - 2009 - Assistante en science politique, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques/Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
- 2003-2004 – DEA en science politique, Université libre de Bruxelles
- 2001-2003 – DES en politique européenne à l'Institut d'études européennes (IEE), ULB
- 1997-2001 – Licenciée en science politique, Université de Bucarest
Domaines d'intérêt
- La contestation de la démocratie libérale
- L'état de droit dans la gouvernance européenne et globale
- La promotion de la démocratie et de l'état de droit
- La prise de décision au niveau supranational
- Les effets de l'intégration européenne. La crise de la zone Euro et l'émergence de nouveaux modes de gouvernance. Le Semestre européen et la coordination des politiques
- Les processus d'européanisation et d'intégration européenne
- Les processus de transfert de politique publique, le rôle des experts (think tanks) et l'usage et la production de l'expertise
- Présentation des enseignements
Depuis 2019:
POLID409 (24h) - Decision-making in the EU (2009 - présent)
POLID522 (48h) - PhD Seminar on theory, methods and research in political science (2010 - présent, avec Christian Olsson)
TRAN0610 (24h) - cours Jean Monnet - Rule of law and Mutual trust in Global and European Governance (depuis 2015, avec A. Weyembergh)
TRANO9004 (18h) - cours Jean Monnet - The Rule of law in the EU: challenges, tools and actors (depuis 2019)
TRAN0607 (24h) - Rotating international chairCoordinatrice académique des programmes de Master:
Depuis 2014: Responsable académique du programme Executive Master in EU Studies (MEUS) à l'IEE
2018-2019: Responsable académique du Specialized Master in Interdisciplinary EU Studies
2009-2019: Responsable académique du Master en science politique, 60 crédits, année unique.
POLID522 (24h) - Séminaire de préparation au travail de fin d'études (2009-2018)
POLID443 (24h) - Political and Social Actors in Central and Eastern Europe (2009-2014)
TRAN0610 (24h) - Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: actors, challenges and outcomes (2014-2015) POLID2015 (24h) - Exercices sur des questions d'actualité politiqueCours dispensés de 2009 à 2018:
POLID522 (24h) - Séminaire de préparation au travail de fin d'études (2009-2018)
POLID443 (24h) - Political and Social Actors in Central and Eastern Europe (2009-2014)Coordinatrice académique des programmes de Master:
Depuis 2014: Responsable académique du programme Executive Master in EU Studies (MEUS) à l'IEE 2018-2019: Responsable académique du Specialized Master in Interdisciplinary EU Studies 2009-2019: Responsable académique du Master en science politique, 60 crédits, année unique.
TRAN0610 (24h) - Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: actors, challenges and outcomes (2014-2015)
POLID2015 (24h) - Exercices sur des questions d'actualité politique - Présentation des recherches
Projets d'enseignement et de recherche
Projets d'enseignement:
Jean Monnet Module Rule of Law and Mutual Trust in Global and European Governance (2018-2021) Fonds d'encouragement à l'enseignement en études européennes (2018-2019)
Projets de recherche:
2018-2020: Conflicts of sovereignty in a European Union in Crisis (SovEU). Promoters ULB: Nathalie Brack, Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy Partner: Christopher Bickerton (Cambridge University) Associated researcher: Julia Rone
Conflicts around sovereignty form the core of political and academic debates and lay narratives on European integration. More integration at the EU level is associated with a transfer of sovereignty from nation states to supranational institutions. Resistance to ‘ever closer union’ is taken as evidence of a reassertion of national sovereignty. This project is premised upon the original hypothesis that the existential crisis faced by the EU over last decade is not a product of a conflict between national sovereignty and supranational institutions but rather the result of conflicts at the national level between different conceptions of national sovereignty, specifically the struggle between popular and parliamentary visions of national sovereignty. This project will empirically test this hypothesis using three paradigmatic cases: judicial reforms in Poland regarding the rule of law, ratification of the EU Canada Comprehensive Trade Agreement (CETA) in Belgium and the UK’s decision to leave the EU (Brexit).
2015-2018: "European Legitimacy in Governing through Hard Times:the role of European Networks" (ENLIGHTEN - H2020), coordonné par Leonard Seabrooke (Copenhagen Business School)ENLIGHTEN responds to the first part of the EURO-4 call on “The future of European integration - 'More Europe – less Europe?'” by bringing together an interdisciplinary ‘next generation’ research team that integrates insights from Comparative Political Economy, European Studies, International Political Economy, and Sociology. ENLIGHTEN answers the call by focusing on how European modes of governance respond to ‘fast-burning’ and ‘slow-burning’ crises. These types of crises differ in how they affect the legitimacy of European input, output, and throughput processes in established and emergent modes of governance. In fast-burning crises interests are quickly formed and ideational and resource battles ensue over how to coordinate policy ideas, what institutions should be engaged, and communicating these changes to the public. Networks in fast crises are composed of defined groups seeking to protect or carve out their interests. In slow-burning crises interests are less obvious and the key task is often how to define the issues involved and who should address the problem. Here networks are commonly composed of experts who battle over how issues should be defined, as well as the boundaries on how coordinative and communicative discourses are articulated. Both fast- and slow-burning crises must be addressed by European modes of governance, with serious implications for the legitimacy and efficiency of the European project. Both raise political, social, and economic sensitivities that are transforming democratic politics in Europe. ENLIGHTEN addresses these themes through a series of linked cases that speak directly to the legitimacy and efficiency of European modes of governance.
"Governing values, governing through values, governed by values? The European Union as a risk polity" (ValEUR), action de recherche concertée (F. Foret, porte-parole; Ramona Coman; François Heinderyckx), étudie la régulation des enjeux normatifs dans les politiques européennes internes et externes.2009-2013: Menu for Justice. Toward a European Curriculum Studiorum on Judicial Studies.
- Travaux sélectionnés
Coman, R., Crespy, A. & Schmidt, V. (eds., 2020), Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union, Cambridge University Press.
Coman, R., Fromont, L. & Weyembergh, A. (eds, 2019), Les solidarités européennes. Entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations, Larcier.
Coman, Ramona, Crespy, Amandine, Louault, Frederic, Pilet, Jean-Benoit, Van Haute, Emilie, Morin, Jean-Frédéric (2016) Méthodes de la science politique. De la question de depart à l’analyse des données, De Boeck.
Coman, R. & Tomini, L. (2016). The State of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Perspective, Routledge
Coman, R. & Morin, J.F (2016). Political Science in Motion, Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Editions de l'Université.
Coman, R., Kostera, T., & Tomini, L. (2014). Europeanization and EU Integration: From Incremental to Structural Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Coman, R. & Dallara, C. (2010). Handbook on Judicial Politics. Iasi: Editura Institutul European.
Coman, R (2009). Réformer la justice dans un pays post-communiste: Le cas de la Roumanie. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université
Coman, R. & De Waele, J.-M. (2007). Judicial Reforms in Central and Eastern European Countries. Brugge: Vanden Broele.
Coman, R. & Lacroix, J. (2007). Les résistances à l'Europe.: Cultures nationales, idéologies et stratégies d'acteurs. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université.
Coman, R. (2019), Transnational Economists in the Eurozone crisis: Professional Structures, Networks and Ideas, New Political Economy
Coman, R. and Leconte, C. (2019), Contesting EU authority in the name of European identity: the new clothes of the sovereignty discourse in Central Europe”, Journal of European Integration, 41 (7), 855-870
Brack, N., Coman, R. & Crespy, A (2019) Unpacking old and new conflicts of sovereignty in the European polity, Journal of European Integration, 41 (7), 817-832.
COMAN, Ramona & SBARAGLIA, Fanny (2018) “Gouverner par la conditionnalité ou la flexibilité? La réforme de la politique de cohésion de l’Union européenne (2014-2020)”, Gouvernement et action publique 2018/3 (N° 3), p. 35-55
COMAN, Ramona (2018), "How have EU ‘fire-fighters’ sought to douse the flames of the eurozone’s fast- and slow-burning crises? The 2013 structural funds reform", The British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
COMAN, Ramona (2018), “Why and how do think tanks expand their networks in times of crisis? The case of Bruegel and the Centre for European Policy Studies", 2018, Journal of European Public Policy.
COMAN, Ramona (2017) “The legitimacy gaps of the European Semester. Who decides, what and how”, Centre European de Formation Européenne, 2017/2, 383-384, 47-60
COMAN, Ramona, (2017), “Values and power conflicts in framing borders and borderlands: the 2013 reform of EU Schengen governance”, Journal of Borderland Studies, 2017, 1-14.
Coman, R. (2015), "Strengthening the Rule of Law at the Supranational Level: The Rise and Consolidation of a European Network", Journal of Contemporary European Studies.
Coman, R. (2014), "Quo vadis judicial reforms? The quest for judicial independence in Central and Eastern Europe", Europe-Asia studies, 66: 6, 892-924.
Coman, R. (2014). "The normative power of the EU and Contentious Europeanization: The case of judicial politics", Journal of European integration, 36:6, 1-17.
Coman, R. (2012). "Les nouveaux Etats membres et les vieux malentendus de l’intégration européenne". Politique européenne, 38, 38-60.
Coman, R. & Tomini, L. (2014). Comparative Perspective on the State of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, Europe-Asia Studies.
COMAN, Ramona (2018), "Protecting the Rule of Law and the State of Democracy at the Supranational Level: Political Dilemmas and Institutional Struggles in Strenghtening EU's Input, Output and Throughput Legitimacy", in Tomini, L. and Sandri, G. (eds.) Challanges of Democracy in the 21st Century, Routledge.
COMAN, Ramona, (2017) “Intergovernmental Method, Community Method, and Open Method of Coordination: The Resilience, Efficiency and Legitimacy of the EU’s Modes of Governance”, in Andreas Grimmel (eds), The Challenge of Europe New Perspectives and Analyses on a Troubled Project, Routledge.
COMAN, Ramona (2017) « Central and Eastern Europe: the EU’s struggle for rule of law pre- and post-accession”, in Ariadna Ripoll Servent and Florian Trauner (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research
COMAN, Ramona (2017), “Rule of law promotion: US and EU experiences in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Ukraine”, in Public Policy Transfer Micro-Dynamics and Macro-Effects, Magdaléna Hadjiisky, Leslie A. Pal, Christopher Walker (eds), pp. 151-173.