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Chercheur Qualifié FNRS
+32 (0) 2 650 37 75

Adresse courrier :
ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles

Adresse visiteur :
Bâtiment S, 11è étage - Bureau : S11.212
Avenue Jeanne, 44
1050 Bruxelles



2018   Chercheur Qualifié F.R.S - FNRS, ULB

2017  Collaborateur scientifique F.R.S - FNRS, ULB

2016 - 2017:  Maitre d'enseignement ULB

2014 - 2015: Visiting Research Fellow, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford

2013 - 2016: Chargé de recherches F.R.S - FNRS, ULB

2013: Doctorat en Science politique à l'Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), en cotutelle
avec Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (SUM-SNS, Florence) 

2008: Master en Politiques de l'Union européenne, Université de Padoue (Italie)

2005: Licence en Science politique, Université de Trieste (Italie)

Domaines d'intérêt

Regimes politiques: democraties et autoritarismes

Démocratisation et autocratisation

Union européenne et soutien à la démocratie

Methodes d'analyse comparatives

Politique italienne

Présentation des enseignements

POLID107 - Introduction to political science

POLID522 - Seminaire de préparation au travail de fin d'étude

Travaux sélectionnés


Tomini, Luca, and Cassani, Andrea (2019) Autocratization in Post-Cold War Political Regimes. The Reverse Wave HypothesisBasingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Tomini, Luca (2017) When Democracies collapse? Assessing Transitions to Non-Democratic Regimes in the Contemporary World. London and New York: Routledge.

Tomini, Luca (2015) Democratizing Central and Eastern Europe. Successes and failures of the European Union. London and New York: Routledge.

Edited Books

Tomini, Luca, and Sophie Wintgens, eds. (2020) Les méthodes d’enquêtes de terrain en Sciences sociales: de la théorie à la pratique. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.  

Tomini, Luca, and Giulia Sandri, eds. (2018) Challenges of Democracy in the 21st Century.Concepts, Methods, Causality and the Quality of Democracy. London and New York: Routledge.

Coman, Ramona and Tomini, Luca, eds. (2015)The State of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe.London and New York: Routledge. 

Coman, Ramona, Kostera, Thomas, and Tomini, Luca, eds. (2014) Europeanization and European Integration: from Incremental to Structural Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Telò, Mario, Sandri, Giulia, and Tomini Luca, eds. (2013) L’état de la démocratie en Italie. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, pp. 1-168. 

Special Issues

Tomini Luca, and Cassani, Andrea (2019) « The Dark Side of Regime Change: Autocratization and Authoritarian Resilience in the Early 21st Century/Post-Cold War Special Issue of the Italian Political Science Review. 

Coman, Ramona, and Tomini, Luca, eds. (2014) “A Comparative Perspective on the State of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe”, Special Issue of Europe-Asia Studies, 66(6). 

Telò, Mario Sandri, Giulia, Tomini, Luca, and De Waele, Jean-Michel, eds. (2013) “The Crisis of the Italian Democracy in the European Context”, Special Issue of Comparative European Politics, 11(3): 261-382.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Tomini, Luca, and Andrea Cassani (2019) “Post-Cold War autocratization: trends and patterns of regime change opposite to democratization” Italian Political Science Review

Tomini, Luca, and Andrea Cassani (2018) “Reversing regimes and concepts: from democratization to autocratization” European Political Science. 

Tomini, Luca, and Claudius Wagemann (2018) “Varieties of contemporary democratic breakdown and regression: A comparative analysis”, with European Journal of Political Research

Tomini, Luca (2014) “Reassessing Democratic Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe and the Role of the EU”, Europe-Asia Studies, 66(6).

Coman, Ramona, and Tomini, Luca (2014) “A Comparative Perspective on the State of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe”, Europe-Asia Studies, 66(6). 

Spasova, Slavina, and Tomini, Luca (2013) “Building Social Dialogue Institutions in Bulgaria: Between national institutional development and EU impact”, Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 21(1): 3-24. 

Telò, Mario, Sandri, Giulia, and Tomini, Luca (2013) “Political system, civil society and institutions in Italy: the quality of democracy”, Comparative European Politics, 11(3): 261-279. 

Contributions to Edited Volumes

Gürkan, Seda and Luca Tomini (2020) “The limits of Europeanization research agenda: Decoding the reverse process in and around the EU” in European Integration Theories and EU's Crises, Nathalie Brack and Seda Gürkan (eds). Routledge.  

Gürkan, Seda and Luca Tomini (2020) “Contesting the EU, contesting democracy and rule of Law in Europe. Conceptual suggestions for future research” in Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe, Astrid Lorenz and Lisa H. Anders. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Pilet, Jean-Benoit, and Tomini, Luca (2018) “Démocraties”, in De Waele, Jean-Michel, et Hastings, Michel (eds.), Politique comparée. Brussels: Editions Larcier. 

Tomini, Luca (2015) “Italie”, in De Waele, Jean-Michel, Brack, Nathalie, and Pilet, Jean-Benoit (eds) Les démocraties européennes. Paris: Armand Colin. 

Tomini, Luca (2014) “Divergent Democracies? The Limits of the Current Political Integration”, in Coman, Ramona, Kostera, Thomas, and Tomini, Luca, eds. (2014) Europeanization and European Integration: from Incremental to Structural Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Coman, Ramona, Kostera, Thomas, and Tomini, Luca (2014) “Conclusions”, in Coman, Ramona, Kostera, Thomas, and Tomini, Luca, eds. (2014) Europeanization and European Integration: from Incremental to Structural Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Telò, Mario, Sandri, Giulia, and Tomini, Luca (2013) “Société, système politique et institutions en Italie: l'état de la démocratie”, in Telò, Mario, Sandri, Giulia, and Tomini Luca, eds. (2013) L’état de la démocratie en Italie. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, pp. 9-20. 

Telò, Mario, Sandri, Giulia, and Tomini, Luca (2013) “Conclusions: la démocratie dans la deuxième République”, in Telò, Mario, Sandri, Giulia, and Tomini Luca, eds. (2013) L’état de la démocratie en Italie. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, pp. 160-168.


Mis à jour le 1 août 2023

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