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ULB - Campus du Solbosch
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 124
1050 Bruxelles


Paolo Graziano is Professor of Political Science at the University of Padua, Research Associate at the European Social Observatory, Brussels, Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Surrey and Chercheur associé at Sciences Po in Paris. He has held visiting positions at a number of universities, including University of Cambridge, Cornell University, University of Oxford, European University Institute, University of Melbourne, University of Washington. He is co-editor of Governance (2018- ), Past President (2019-2020) of the APSA Conference Group on Italian Politics (CONGRIPS) and Past President of the Fondazione Romagnosi (2021-2024). He teaches Political Science and Public Policy Analysis. He has published several authored and edited volumes and journal special issues. His most recent book is “Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy” (Elgar, 2022), co-edited with Jale Tosun, and “Democrazia. Concetti, attori, istituzioni” (Carocci, 2024), co-edited with Marco Almagisti. His work on eco-social movements, eco-social policies has been published in, among other places: Journal of European Public Policy, European Journal of Political Research, West European Politics, Policy & Society, European Policy Analysis, Governance, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of Social Policy, Social Policy & Administration, Journal of Common Market Studies, Government & Opposition, International Political Science Review, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, European Societies, Regional Studies, Public Management Review, Review of Policy Research, Italian Political Science Review.



Professor of Political Science, University of Padua

Download the CV here

Domaines d'intérêt

Europeanization, populism, ecosocial politics and policies, social politics and policies, political consumerism



I am currently working on two research projects. The first, entitled “Governing the Just Transition” is devoted to the analisys of just transition politics and policies in the European Union, with particular reference to the EU level and to local cases selected in six countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden). The second project, entitled “Making Food Democracy”, is devoted to the analysis  of sustainable urban food policies and strategies in ten municipalities in five European countries (England, France, Italy, Spain and Sweden).  

Furthermore, I am currently working on two book projects and a Special Issue: the first (a monograph) is tentatively entitled “Crises, Leadership and Neopopulisms in the European Union”, and the second (co-edited with Ekaterina Domorenok and Katharina Zimmermann) is entitled “The Eco-Social Nexus: Theoretical, Conceptual and Policy Issues” (to be submitted to Policy Press). The Special Issue is for Regulation & Governance and us entitled “Bringing the Ecological and the Social Together in the Green Transition. A Multilevel Analysis”.

Travaux sélectionnés

2024    “The Politics of the EU Eco-Social Policies”, European Political Science, 23(1), 27-38

2023     “Understanding the European Green Deal: A Narrative Policy Framework approach”, European Policy Analysis, 9(1), 9-29 (with Ekaterina Domorenok)

2022      “Back to the Future in EU Social Policy?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(2), 374-390 (with Beatrice Carella)

2021       “Varieties of Inclusionary Populism: Evidence from Southern Europe”, Government and Opposition, 56(1) 163-183 (with Nuria Font and Myrto Tsakatika).

Mis à jour le 28 février 2025