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Postdoctoral fellow at Cevipol, in the framework of the program IF@ULB, under the supervision of Emilie Van Haute. His research focuses on trends and drivers of Political Polarisation at EU level, the geography of discontent, analysis of between- within-countries dynamics. Before joining the ULB, he has been research fellow at the University of Milan-Bicocca for two years, in the field regional studies. Since 2019, he is Editorial Manager of the Italian Journal of Regional Science. He has been consultant for various international institutions, such as World Bank and IMF, and visiting researcher at Paris School of Economics. He hold a PhD in Political Economics and a Master degree in International Economics.
Since Sept 2020: Postdoc fellow at Cevipol
2018-2020: Postdoc fellow at Bicocca (Milan)
2018: Consultant at World Bank (Rome)
2016: Academic assistant at College of Europe (Bruges)
2016: PhD in Political Economics (Bicocca, Milan)
2012: Master in International Economics
Travaux sélectionnés
Bettarelli, L., & Van Haute, E. (2022a). Affective polarization and coalition preferences in times of pandemic. Frontiers in Political Science. DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2022.945161
Bettarelli, L., & Van Haute, E. (2022b). Regional inequalities as drivers of affective polarization. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 9(1). DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2022.2117077
Bettarelli, L., Reiljan, A., van Haute, E. (2022). A regional perspective to the study of affective polarization. European Journal of Political Research. DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12548
Ascani, Bettarelli, Resmini, Balland (2020), Global networks, local specialisation and regional patterns of innovation, Research Policy 49 (8)
Bettarelli, Cella, Iannantuoni, Manzoni (2020), It's a matter of confidence: Institutions, government stability and economic outcomes, Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics
Bettarelli, Iannantuoni, Manzoni, Rossi (2017), Voters’ preferences and electoral systems: the EuroVotePlus experiment in Italy, Economia Politica 34 (1)
Bettarelli (2017), From revolution to elections. A comparative analysis of Egypt and Tunisia, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 23 (2)