Présentation des recherches

Fanny Vrydagh conducted her PhD research in political science on the pro-impeachment social movement. Her main contribution was a typology of activists' commitment based on over sixty in-depth interviews. Her work primarily focused on the three main organizations that led the pro-impeachment movement: ROL, MBL, and VemPraRua. In 2021, she received an award for the best European thesis on a Brazilian subject from the Association of European Brazilianists (ABRE).

Currently, she is holding a post doc position as research coordinator and chief executive at the Institut interfacultaire des transformations socio-écologiques (iiTSE - ULB). Her work focus mainly on method and processes of interdisciplinarity and trans disciplinarity and on the main societal transformations linked to the climate and environment challenges.

Travaux sélectionnés

 VRYDAGH Fanny, JIMENEZ-MARTINEZ César, « Talking with the right-wing: Pernicious polarization in Brazil and the philosophy of Paulo Freire » The International Communication Gazette, 0(0), 1-18, July 2020.

VRYDAGH Fanny, JIMENEZ-MARTINEZ César, “Conversando com a direita: polarização perniciosa no Brasil e a filosofia de Paulo Freire” Matrizes, vol.15 n° 13, 2021.

VRYDAGH Fanny, “Analisar os movimentos sociais pro-impeachment como sintomas da ‘crise’ politica brasileira de 2016, reflexões e exlorações” in Crises, uma perspetiva multidisciplinar, (dir) M. Cândido da Silva, S. Jaumain, A. Wilkins, N. de Barros Almeida, F. Louault, LEME intermeios, Universidade de São Paulo, 2020.

VRYDAGH Fanny, « “Conquérir les coeurs, les corps et les esprits”? La nouvelle droite brésilienne, de contre-public à faiseur d’opinion (2010-2016) » in Marges et Marginalités au Brésil, (dirs) F. Louault, M. De Barros et K. Kermoal, Les éditions de L’Université libre de Bruxelles, 2022.

Mis à jour le 16 novembre 2023